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Marseille, 1808 ; Valmondois, 1879
H. 29,4 cm ; l. 21,6 cm
Le couple est représenté dans son intimité, en chemise, bonnet de nuit et pantoufles. La légende invite à plusieurs interprétations : l’évocation de plusieurs lunes et la position de la femme indiquent l’utilisation familière de ce mot pour désigner le postérieur. La véritable lune, quant à elle, est réputée avoir une action néfaste sur l’humeur : la femme, qui tourne le dos à son mari, est peut-être fâchée contre lui, mais Daumier laisse à chacun la liberté d’interpréter la situation. La scène de ménage est un sujet prisé pour tourner la vie maritale en dérision.
This couple is shown in a private scene, wearing nightdresses, nightcaps and slippers. The caption allows for several possible interpretations: the reference to more than one moon and the woman’s position suggest that the word “lune” is being used in its colloquial sense of “bottom”. The real moon was believed to have a bad effect on a person’s mood: the woman, whose back is turned to her husband, is perhaps angry with him, but Daumier leaves the situation open to interpretation. Domestic scenes were a favourite subject for artists who sought to ridicule marital life.
This couple is shown in a private scene, wearing nightdresses, nightcaps and slippers. The caption allows for several possible interpretations: the reference to more than one moon and the woman’s position suggest that the word “lune” is being used in its colloquial sense of “bottom”. The real moon was believed to have a bad effect on a person’s mood: the woman, whose back is turned to her husband, is perhaps angry with him, but Daumier leaves the situation open to interpretation. Domestic scenes were a favourite subject for artists who sought to ridicule marital life.